Ruth Bloland Women Helping Women

Recycling Project for Used Plastic Lid/Top Collection Drive

From unwanted used bottle caps …

To a recycled bench to combat loneliness and bullying…

The Ruth Bloland Women Helping Women Group is spearheading a recycling project.  The group will be collecting plastic bottle caps and lids in support of Buddy Benches.

Buddy Benches are designated seating areas usually in schools where students can sit when they feel that they need a friend to talk or play with.  The program aims to promote awareness and prevention of bullying.  Other students are encouraged to invite students to join in activities. The bench can also alert adults to a students’ need for support.

Any plastic caps or lids are welcome, such as water bottle caps, mayonnaise jar lids, orange juice tops, the list is endless.

Lids will be collected at the March meeting on March 11 and by Nancy Rayner.

For more information, please contact Shera Dolmatz.