College/University Program

Update on NCCWSL 2024
by Libby Bergen

It is exciting to announce the selection of the two young women who our Branch will be sending to theNational Conference for College Women Student leaders (NCCWSL) in Maryland on 5/30—6/01, 2024. Theywill be the first from our new partnership with California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). Ourselections are Juliette Espinal who states that her view of an amazing leader is being able to listen empathetically, open communication and compromise. Aanisah Duru states that a true leader is constantlygrowing, evolving and learning. This will prove to be a wonderful opportunity for them to meet and hearfrom ground breaking women across a range of fields, as well as attend exciting workshops.

New Partnership

We are excited to announce our partnership with California State University Dominguez Hills for the College/UniversityProgram (C/UP), formerly known NCC/WSL. We will be selecting our participants from the Liberal Studies Department. The young women chosen will attend the National Leadership Conference In the Washington, DC area in late May. The selection process will begin in February, and the participants will be selected by late March.

If you are interested in participating on the committee in this rewarding process, please let Libby Bergen or Diane Hembacher know.


In 2012, AAUW began exploring ways to enhance our mission.  AAUW member, Trish Dilligan was a Trustee at Marymount California University and had been researching the AAUW’s Campus Outreach initiatives and spoke about the University and its possibilities. Upon AAUW Leadership having a meeting with the Dean of Students and the Assistant Director of Student Life at Marymount, it was agreed that the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) was a priority.

At the onset Trish Dillingan agreed to represent the branch but unfortunately she passed away in late 2014 and Judy Purvis assumed leadership.  Susan Negrete became project chair from 2016-2017 through 2018-2019.  This position was transferred to Elayne Nahman from 2019-2020 through 2022-2023 and starting in 2023-2024 Libby Bergen will be overseeing the project.

National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWLS)

The National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) is an annual conference held in Washington, DC by AAUW National to develop potential college women into future leaders.  This conference is held each year in May/June for three days.   There are keynote speakers who are in leadership positions presented to the conferees and over 60 individual workshops are held to develop various leadership skills.  These workshops cover five pertinent categories:  Leadership Development, Professional Development, Identity and Diversity, Activism and Women’s Issues.

The purpose of the conference is to enhance these qualities so that these students become better leaders at the University and in their future careers.  The students selected show a strong demonstration of intelligence, compassion and leadership.


Initially, it was decided that for the first year the Benefactor’s Fund could provide a full scholarship and $500/year thereafter. Donations, fundraising and revenue from Exploring Science could offer Branch funding for two students at least through 2017.

Upon Trish Dillingham’s death, a Memorial Fund was initiated which contributed $2,405 to the project.  Through substantial donations made in 2019, our funds are sustainable at this time although donations are encouraged.

Funding for the Conference is equally shared by AAUW and the University.  AAUW funds come from the Designated CA College Fund.