Palos Verdes Peninsula Branch
P.O. Box 2443, Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274
Dear prospective member,
Thank you for your interest in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women). We would be delighted to have you join us! The Palos Verdes Branch has been serving the local community since 1957.
You will find that becoming active in the branch is enjoyable and will benefit you in terms of intellectual stimulation, friendships, and being of service to others. The “Membership Profile” has a list of current interest groups. These usually meet once a month from September through June. Most take place in members’ homes and are open to all members space permitting. Simply contact the group chairperson to let her know you plan to attend.
Our bi-monthly newsletter, CoastLines, tells about special all-member events as well as other monthly activities. When you become a member, you will be a regular recipient. Your “Membership Profile” will help us introduce you to other members.
Our membership year runs from July 1 to June 30, and annual dues are $116. Basic dues allocation is as follows: National Association $74, State $20, PVP Branch $22. Sixty-four dollars of the National dues are a tax-deductible contribution to the AAUW Funds.
AAUW membership is open to women or men with a two year associate degree or higher from a qualified educational institution. Such educational institutions offer recognized associate, baccalaureate or higher degrees and have full regional or appropriate professional association approval.
Please join us now! Click Here for the Application/Membership Profile and mail it along with your check for $116 made out to AAUW/PVP Branch to AAUW-PVP, P.O. Box 2443, Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274.
Leadership Co-Chairs: Lee Ann Farmer labfarmer@msn.com JoAnn DeFlon jjdeflon@gmail.com |
Membership Co-Chairs: Diane Hembacher diane.hemb@gmail.com Jane Harris compprin@hotmail.com |